
Showing posts from October, 2020

How Long is Too Long to Date/Court?

Opinions are like generator sets in Nigeria - every household has a set. More serious note. People must talk, pastors must preach, gossips must fly round, as long as the earth 'remaineth'. Certain things never change. These are our Nigerian traits and we don't disappoint.  The length of time should depend on the couple.  Sincerely, if both are comfortable with seven years, why not? I've seen a seven year old relationship the led to a happy-ever-after marriage; I've equally seen a month old relationship that also blossomed to marriage.   Just don't let anyone pressure you into anything.  Drop a comment below 

Pastor Ize-Iyamu - The Election wasn't Free and Fair

“Contrary to orchestrated media reports, the election was neither free nor fair. There were several episodes of violence, voter intimidation and falsification of results. In particular, there were unlawful cancellation of results particularly from Urhonigbe South and North in Orhiomwon, while results were falsified from many polling units in Ofunama in Ovia South West, and in parts of Ovia North East, Owan West, Oredo, Egor, Ikpoba-Okha, Esan North East, Esan West, Esan South East, and Uhunmwode Local Government Areas.  “Sadly, two persons were killed during the election, while gun-wielding thugs took over collation centres in many locations without the intervention of law-enforcement agents. There were also several cases of malfunctioning card readers, which disenfranchised duly registered voters, in addition to many cases of unregistered voters voting with pre-purchased voters’ cards not collected by their actual owners. “These malpractices could easily form the basis to challenge th

Regret In Itself is Failure - Stop It!

Have you ever thought, oh had I known I would've done it differently; I should've taken a different decision; Think! You have two routes to life set before you but can only take one; you travel the distance and eventually realises all isn't rossy, I regret.  You couldn't have taken both routes at the same time and no one knows what lies ahead, so, you do not know what could have happen down the other lane. How sure are you that you'd have come out better?   Regret leads to depression and depression can kill. Leave your comments 

English language challenges in Nigeria

 I have found something amusing  On different occasions I have been confronted very rudely,  by those who, for reasons best known to them,  think one has to speak in  a flat, monotonous intonation and, poor pronunciation in order not to  be "fake" "You are Faking it; speak normal, speak like a Nigerian stop speaking through your nose" a man once told me in a crowded place haha! Then I asked him, Sir, how do you define "What is normal?" "What exactly is the normal way to speak the English language in Nigeria?" He continued with the verbal attack  I said to him "you and I are speaking the English language as a second language. While you took your time to learn your grammar, tenses etc. I took a step further to work on my pronunciation, intonation, stress patterns etc. " "i thought If you're going to speak another man's language, why can't you make the effort to speak like the natives, after all, you have your first langua